I think I’m doing this wrong, I don’t love my body…my story

One Step Forward, So Many Steps Back. Part 1

This is part 1 in a multi-part series I will be doing. As I got to writing this post, I realized all I want to say and share on this subject obviously won’t fit into one blog post. Stay tuned for more!

I don’t remember how I found the body positivity, body acceptance community. What I remember is slowly my Instagram and podcast feeds filling with voices talking about Intuitive Eating and HAES (Health At Every Size), I was seeing pictures of bodies like mine and some larger, being celebrated for their beauty just as they are (not when they lose __ pounds). 

At the time I found myself at a cross roads, I was heavily steeped in diet culture, it was all I had ever known. I was sure my worth was tied up in eating perfectly and working out at least 6 days a week. It’s hard not to get caught up in that mindset when you are complimented for all the weight you have lost, or your amazing will power to say no to that cupcake, your dedication to the gym when even though you hurt, you still go.

I bought into every book and infomercial selling the next diet or fitness gadget. I was willing to try them all because I knew if I could just get myself in the “right” shape, then bye-bye ugly duckling, helllooo swan.

I was doing everything diet culture told me too, but my fabulous new life wasn’t showing up, and I was mad. Slowly I started to see behind the curtain and realize that there were these new voices and thoughts starting to permeate and seeds were planted. I began asking myself why.

Why was it that I told myself that I couldn’t be trusted around “bad” food, and needed the structure of a schedule to make sure I ate at the right time and the right things. Why was I working out all the time, even when my body was obviously telling me to rest. Why did I still feel like my body would never be good enough.

The questioning started first with my eating. Every week it felt like I was white knuckling it through to Saturday, the day I allowed myself to eat anything and everything I wanted. What usually happened was a food coma, a belly ache and the promise to not do this again next week. Wish I could say that never happened again.😕 But it did and every Sunday started with the promise to do better and be stronger and then I wouldn’t feel like a failure.

I do believe that most change won’t happen (or last), if you aren’t ready to make that change. So I started explore Intuitive Eating and begin the process to reconnect to and listen to my body. 

I was introduce to the idea of body liberation. Jes Baker and Sonya Renee Taylor (and so many more) are leading the charge on this and doing amazing work. Sonya’s book, The Body is Not an Apology blew my mind. Her practice of radical self love was finally the permission I needed to start this long healing process to loving and accepting myself and my body for being amazing, just as it is.

Suddenly I was questioning everything. If I was allowed to love/accept myself just as I was, what else could I do, what other freedoms were out there. So I broke the process down into steps, today I share 3 accessible tips to let you explore this idea of loving and connecting to your body (if you have my free PDF, then you know what’s coming, if not, ENJOY!).

Body Love Tip #1: Move your body.

First rule, pick something YOU want to do and can do. If you love lifting weights, perfect. Want to try that spin class, awesome. Impromptu dance party in the kitchen, I’m there! Find a way of making moving your body fun, and in a way that honors where your body is now. If an injury or weight gain, or life has made movement feel foreign be extra kind to yourself as you rediscover movement.

Body Love Tip #2: Speak Kindly to Yourself.

I’m talking about that voice in your head that freaks out when it catches a glimpse of you at an unflattering angle, when your pants don’t fit quite like they used to, or when you start to compare yourself to others on the internet. Today we start to change that voice.

I want you to pick one body part, and list 3 reasons why you love it or why you are grateful for it. Take the time to look lovingly at your body and find the good. 

Write those things down and put it somewhere you will see it. Let it be a reminder to you of how wonderful your body is (especially when that negative voice creeps back in).

Body Love Tip #3: Find Your Look

Do you have something that you wear that makes you feel like a rockstar? This is your time to find that jacket, necklace, shade of lipstick that makes you feel like a million bucks. It is the baby step version of fake it till you make it. Think of it as being good to yourself. You are treating your body with the pride and respect it deserves.

Body liberation and freedom are big topics, and I intend to speak more about them. I see my work as being a guide to bring others across the divide to the place where they can find love and peace for themselves.

We have so many more fun and interesting topics to dive into, I am so grateful to have all of you along on this journey with me!

What is fear keeping you from doing?

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
Nelson Mandela

I stared at a blank computer screen for a long time trying to come up with the words that felt appropriate to address fear. I know that fear isn’t foreign to any of us, but sometimes the motivational posters can make us feel even more stuck in our fear, or inability to act.

It wasn’t until I started to look at what I was afraid of and how I deal with fear that the patterns started emerging. I could finally start to address the blocks holding me back. Today I am highlighting my top 3 blocks that I have (and sometimes still) struggle with.    

Block #1 Perfectionism

Perfectionism was almost more my identity than anything else. It kept me hidden. If I was trying to be perfect, no one would tease me for being chubby, for being shy. No one would notice me and that is just what I wanted. 

Perfectionism was the bubble I cloaked myself in to keep me protected and safe. I was positive that if I just followed all the rules, did everything expected of me I would collect the ideal life.

What happened was that life did not give me the Hallmark movie ending I expected. Well that threw me for a loop, I had no idea what to do. So it was time to switch gears and take the first baby steps toward releasing my need to be perfect.

I signed up for my first yoga training. I set up a YouTube channel and started recording videos. It was/is writing a blog post each week knowing that the thoughts won’t be perfect, there may be a grammar mistake, but realizing that my message is more important than my discomfort.

Block #2 Vulnerability

* the last thing I want you to see in me
* the first thing I look for in you
Brene Brown

I love this quote from Brene Brown because it gets to the heart of being vulnerable. I was positive that if I could just keep the mask in place and “be” who I was pretty sure everyone expected me to be, then everything would be perfect. Being vulnerable means that I have to show that I too am human. That maybe I don’t have it all figured out and that I have and will stumble. It’s me trusting you as my people and community to hold a safe space for me to process and learn, just as I hold a safe, healing space for you.

Being vulnerable has brought some amazing people into my world. My opening up has made it safe for others to confide in me and it has made it safe for me to confide in others. It has deepened my relationships and made me a better friend.

But it is not all Kumbaya’s and warm fuzzies, I still suffer from vulnerability hangovers. Those moments after I hit publish or share where I question what on Earth made me think it was a good idea to be the real me and share. What will people think about me. What if they don’t like what I have to say. What if, what if, what if…

It is a daily practice to learn to let go of who I think I “should” be and step into the power and grace of who I actually am.

Block #3 Enoughness

I am enough.

Most days I say that and truly believe it. Had you asked me that a year ago, I probably would have lied to you and said yup I believe I am good enough. 

I spent a lot of years waiting for arbitrary milestones to come before I was enough to exist and fully embrace my life. I mourn a little for all the time lost waiting to lose the weight, finally have the perfect body and diet and then I would be worthy to find love, get my dream job and live happily ever after.

What I am happily discovering is the joy in new dreams and realizing that it is never too late. Enoughness is a big topic and I am working on a blog that does it and my journey justice. 

So how did I get through these blocks? Well it is an ongoing process. What helped most was finding people I trusted who had experience helping others break through their mental blocks and create a life they love. I started a meditation and visualization practice. I did the hard work of sitting in my feelings, acknowledging them and journaling what I noticed. There were a lot of uncomfortable meditation sessions where i just wanted the quiet the chatter in my mind and do anything but tune in to my intuition. There were a lot of reluctant journaling days. There were days (weeks) when my ego got the better of me and I retreated back to my comfort zone.

But then that small inner voice would start to get louder, letting me know I was here to do more than hide out and play it safe. I have a mission and work to do, so sometimes I inch out of my comfort zone but I am moving. I am learning the value of imperfect action.

So, does any of this sound familiar to you? What blocks you from having a life you love? What would help you make progress through your blocks? Email or message me to set up a discovery call to see if working together is the way to get you on the path to being your best you!

I’m ready to work out. What do I do?

I like to move it, move it...

Congratulations! You have the leggings, the sassy tank and the shoes and you are ready to get FIT! But…then you did a quick internet search for fitness routines, got overwhelmed, and now you haven’t the first clue which one is right for you. So, how do you pick the perfect fitness routine? There isn’t a perfect one. Thanks for reading, see you next week!

All joking aside, there is truth in that statement. Fitness and workout plans are not one-size fits all (if you have found a plan that promises that be very cautious). That’s why when I start working with a new client we spend a lot of time talking about what movement, exercise and fitness means to them.

So let’s talk about the steps to getting you moving your body. Huge shout-out to the book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. The chapter on exercise was a huge inspiration for this post.

Step #1: Separate working out from weight loss.

That’s a big statement right there. I am not here to say that exercise does not play a role is weight loss, it does, but if the only reason you workout is burn off that brownie you had at lunch, or to justify the glass of wine you had at dinner than that’s where I have an issue. 

I am here for any one that wants to work to improve themselves. I love lifting weights. I love the definition it can give my muscles. Some days there is nothing more satisfying than dropping a heavy barbell, but I do it to feel strong and feel like a badass. If a lifting program makes you feel like the best version of you then I will celebrate every gain you make in the gym right along with you. Love the rush of a good spin class, YAY! Enjoy the stretch and relaxation of yoga, perfect. Love shaking your booty in Zumba, rock it! There are a million different ways to be active, and life is too short to not do something that excites you.

My job as a coach is to help you get out of your head and into your feelings. Connect to how the exercise makes you feel. Do you feel energized after a workout or drained? Are you sleeping better? Does it help you deal better with the stress in your life?

Let’s re-connect to exercise as a way to take care of our minds and our bodies and less as a way to punish ourselves.

Step #2: Make movement fun.

I think I just saw you roll your eyes from here. I know it seems cliche to say (rhymed, ha), but any movement that feels enjoyable and gets your body moving is good (and likely something you will stick with).

Here’s an exercise to help if you are feeling stuck. Grab a pen, some paper and a timer. Set the clock for 5 minutes. Close your eyes and think back to when you were a kid/young adult/last year and remember all the ways you were active that made you smile, that you couldn’t wait to do again. What activities made you feel energized, confident, relaxed. Start the timer and free write. No activity is wrong, so don’t censor yourself.

When you are done take a look at the list and see which ones excite you now. This is the fun part! Now you get to add some fun into your activity routine.

Step #3: Find your people.

If Step 2 felt overwhelming and you still don’t know where to start, hire a coach. There are plenty of us out here so make sure you find someone who listens to you and who you feel comfortable with. They are helping you take care of your most important possession, your body, make sure you put your trust in someone who understands that.

If you don’t have the means to hire a private coach, then group exercise classes can be a super way to surround yourself with like minded and supportive people to help keep you going. Gym buddies are a huge reason why I have gone back to classes. If you can’t make it to a physical gym, there are plenty of online “gyms” filled with people ready to cheer you on.

Step #4: Rest

I know this is the opposite of moving, but taking time off it important too. Rest is about learning to trust ourselves and listen to our bodies. Pushing through that workout when you are sick or run down isn’t always worth it. When I was struggling with disordered eating and exercise, rest meant I was lazy. It meant I didn’t care about myself and one day off would undo all my hard work and I would be fat and out of shape immediately.

As I have been experimenting with my own exercise journey old thoughts started to creep back in, like the thought that unless I wanted to die or puke it wasn’t a real workout or taking a day off would mean I wasn’t dedicated enough. It got to be too much, so I took a step back from my traditional workouts and allowed myself to rest and gave myself permission to enjoy the rest. I am still developing a sense of what my fitness goals are, but I do know what I enjoy.  I do find joy in moving a barbell and it makes me feel good. I love the meditative state I find while on my rower, the stretch my muscles feel during yoga, the mental breather I get from doing absolutely nothing. These all make me a better person to be around.😉

Creating a workout habit can feel overwhelming and intimidating and defeating, but it doesn’t have to. I have spots available now for 1 on 1 coaching. Message me to set up a time to talk and let’s see if we can’t get you moving towards your best you!

Inspirations for myself in 2020

Your front hand is in the future, your back hand is in the past. 
Gaze into the future, have courage to be in the present.

That quote got me thinking as I felt bombarded with how to mark the coming new year. After all we are entering a new decade so that calls for something momentous.

Oddly what the thought of a new decade brought up was the fact that I need to put my work and healing myself first.

I have a passion and desire to help women find what peace, contentment and joy in their lives really means. I want them to spend more time living their life and less time in the “shoulds” (I should love my body, I should eat clean, I should…). More on my upcoming projects in the weeks to come.

What I found was that there was so much of the work I did, and continue to do, that I was scared to share. So much I wanted to talk about but didn’t because I was afraid of what others would think. It became easy to stop the important work I was doing on myself because of fear. Then I found myself in a group of like minded women entrepreneurs and I knew this had to change. I had to get brave.

This year I make myself the priority.

So, you may ask, what does all this entail…well I’m glad you asked because it’s really interesting. 

My first priority – heal my relationship with my body and with food. I have made progress, but to do the work I am called to do I need to dig deep, get uncomfortable and practice what I preach. I just started reading Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison (I am only half way done, but it has been life changing). I have a stack of books on my table right now and cannot wait for the knowledge bombs I am sure to get.

I will commit to using my creativity to heal. As a friend of mine said, a creative healing practice is more than just gluing glitter on stuff while watching Netflix. I am challenging myself to pursue creativity in a way that I might not be immediately successful at.

I will finally commit to my woo-iness (pretty sure that’s a word). I will finally dive into the chakra books I have been collecting. I will at some point explore Reiki. I will finally slow down and learn to listen to my intuition, guides, spirit, whatever they decide to call themselves and allow them to guide me.

At times I feel like I am two different people. The old Lisa that I have known and loved for 40+ years and the new Lisa, who is all I have wanted and dreamed to be. My struggle is in integrating the two parts to be the flawed, amazing, new person I want to be. This also involves me getting out of my bubble and being vulnerable and seen. Not always easy for a shy introvert, but this year I will take up space.

Taking up space is acknowledging
that there is a space
in the world that only you can fill.
Ray Dodd

So whether you set goals, intentions, resolutions, or even nothing this year, I hope you find a way to let the world in on your sparkle. If not, let’s chat. Life is too short not to be working towards a you that makes you happy.

What does the New Year look like for you?

What does the New Year look like for you?

Resolutions, goals, intentions…

It can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming the start of the new year. There is fresh promise and excitement to leave behind any frustrations, disappointments and past success for the promise of something bigger, better and more exciting.

This year seems to carry even higher expectations as we end a decade. 2020 holds mystery, allure, and hope.

Maybe you see this as a chance to finally bid farewell to a shitty year. I am definitely feeling a bit of that as I look toward 2020. 

2019 challenged me in ways I could never have predicted. It has been a year of loss for me. Loss of loved ones, loss of myself, loss of direction.

I have spent plenty of time recently thinking about how I want to enter 2020. Am I setting goals, intentions, revisiting my core values. And honestly I am not quite sure. I’m not even sure I need to have an answer for that. 

I am starting to feel like 2020 is the year I hold myself close and do the work on me that I have been avoiding. The year I focus on healing myself for myself. This is the year I shower myself with the love and grace I so freely to give those close to me.

As I was writing this I felt pulled to add this little mini-meditation to help you take time to allow what you want and what you need to start to take shape. For me, when I feel lost it’s time to focus on gratitude. Grab a piece of paper/notebook and a quiet spot.

Sometimes I need to get out of my head and get things on paper. Writing this blog has definitely gotten the creative juices going. Next week I am going to share more of what my plan for 2020 entails and I can’t wait to hear what you have in store for a new year!

Until then, I am here for you,


3 ways to take care of yourself when @#&% hits the fan.

As most of you probably know, my mom recently passed away. It was not at all expected so dealing with this huge upheaval has been exhausting and draining. At some point I will probably do a longer post on my mom, but I am not quite ready yet.

I was inspired to write this, in part, by my last post of how to pick yourself up when life sucks, but I also felt like I needed to share how I have taken care of myself these last couple of weeks.

As I sat down to start making notes for this post one thing kept popping up, KISS (I know I will date myself with this, but it doesn’t refer to the band).

KISS is Keep It Simple Silly. Simplicity has been my sanity saver. It is hard when you’re away from home and your routine. It can be really easy to just let everything go and make it a big free for all. When it’s right there and so easy, what’s the harm in indulging?

Nothing. No harm. The world will not end if you don’t eat perfectly and workout everyday. Yay, post done!

While a food free for all, and exercise break are fun, my job is to help make your health and fitness goals work in real life and curveballs are a part of life. I wanted to share the 3 things I have been doing to be kind to myself lately.


Here’s the deal, water does so much for you. Helps your skin, your digestion, and so many other bodily functions. It’s a beverage that is actually going to do something beneficial for you, so make sure you grab a glass any chance you get. Start your day with a glass of water before your coffee. Carry a water bottle around with you as a reminder to keep hydrated.

I told you this was all about keeping things easy, and drinking water to me is second nature. I am still trying to stay on top of my health goals and knowing that I am on top of my water consumption has been the no-brainer win I needed.


Okay, this one might be a tad controversial, but hear me out. I spent a lot of time recently in a hospital and a schedule that had us leaving by 7 each morning and getting home just as late. I was not in the mood for a traditional workout. So as we took shifts in the hospital room, I would walk around the block. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Did some yoga moves as I lay in bed.

If you find that you are beating yourself up for not exercising, here is your permission slip to take a break. I have not been to the gym in about a week, and I didn’t miss it. I needed the permission to step back and focus on my family. I have been taking walks and chasing my dog at the dog park and that has felt joyful to me. So when things get rough, be gentle with yourself and if moving your body feels good then do it! But just know it’s okay to take a break.


The sheer number of cookies, cakes and pumpkin bread that has been around all week would make an all carb diet seem like the norm. And it is ok to indulge. It is okay to sometimes eat your feelings because we have to use the tools we have on hand to get us through. I am an emotional eater. Always have been, always will be. It’s how I have always dealt with stress, but I am also doing the work of dealing with the feelings and not just burying them with food.

In my quest to keep things easy, I tried each day to add one more veggie to my meal. Whether that was adding a salad (instead of grabbing more chips if I was still hungry), adding an extra veggie to my tomato soup, or making a breakfast hash to have with pancakes, extra veggies keep me feeling normal.

TMI bonus, extra veggies will help keep you regular and if you are out of your routine I am guessing this is probably something you might deal with.

I have not been perfect at this either, but focusing on 3 simple things to take care of myself each day, has kept my attitude healthy. When my attitude is on board I am way less likely to lose my cool (total bonus for everyone around me 😂).

Here is my suggestion to you. Take 5 minutes and write down what your goals are for your health. Set a timer and just do a brain dump. Keep the list somewhere handy and when life throws you that inevitable curveball, you will already have a head start on creating a new routine to take care of you. Remember, you deserve it and you are worth it.

Lisa (1)

Well, that sucks…

I have been writing this post in some form or another in my head for a while now. I am still trying to fully process and figure out my thoughts and feelings about how to respond when things don’t go exactly how you hoped.

It started when my ego (let’s call her Lila) told me I shouldn’t be doing a launch of my online course, because I really can’t do that. So I chickened out. I let all the hard work and momentum I had built up to the launch fizzle and fade because I got too into my head and got scared.

Cut to the next week, my car dashboard had some interesting lights come on and in an effort to keep me from putting off any more maintenance decided to die and let me get a shiny new alternator. Then 2 days later, my tires felt left out of the fun and one decided to blow, so I got new tires. Honestly, that sent me into a spiral of “why me” which then made me feel bad that I wasn’t trying to find the positive and I quickly tried to adjust my thinking into “what is this situation trying to teach me.”

Did I know what it was trying to teach me? No, and frankly I didn’t care because on the heels of this my dog had some health issues followed by a call from my dad that my mom was in the hospital and it was serious.

So many WTF thoughts right here. I was meditating, I was journaling, I have a vision board. I was/am doing all the things that are supposed to bring peace and abundance to my life. Yet, it still doesn’t stop the bad things from happening.

It doesn’t mean that you can’t feel terrible, and lonely, and sad and despair about how you are going to make it work. I had a great friend remind me that you are allowed to feel the full range of emotions. It’s okay to feel the why me, you just don’t get to buy a condo and move in there.

Things suck right now, I’ll be honest. I am hundreds of miles away from a sick parent and feel helpless being so far away. I have a passion for my online coaching and feel worried and stuck that I won’t ever find any clients and worry how bills will get paid if I can’t figure this out. I worry a lot, always have, probably always will.

There was eventually a lesson I was starting to learn; how to ask for help. I have asked for support. I have made myself vulnerable and let people in and to my surprise no one thinks less of me. No one has chastised me for breaking down and bawling in the middle of a coffee shop, nor have they withheld those longer than usual hugs that I have desperately needed of late. They have held me in their thoughts and prayers and shown me the power of true friendship.

When you are struggling and it feels scary to ask for help, my encouragement for you is to pick one person and get real. It’s okay to keep it small, ask if they have time to chat, ask for a hug, prayers, a coffee date. Start to let those who surround you and love you, help. They want to help, it’s just hard to know how.

I am a safe space, if you need to cry, to process, or if you just need that temporary distraction. I promise to listen without judgment. We all need those people in our lives that allow us to truly be us, bad days and all.

Is Self Improvement > Self Acceptance?

Yoga is not about self improvement, it’s about self acceptance.

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

Lately I have found myself in the midst of a struggle again. How can I accept myself as I am, if I am still seeking improvement. Aren’t these two opposites ends of the spectrum?

My own personal journey this last year has been one of both self acceptance and self improvement. I had to let go of my old stories about myself and accept the new amazing chapters being written. I had to let go of beliefs that were keeping me playing small, and find coaches and courses to help me improve myself and my business. Which lead to, facing the blocks that were preventing me from stepping into my true self and success. It’s a scary place to step out from being “nice girl” Lisa to CEO Lisa.

My business coach has been HUGE in calling me out when I am sliding into “nice girl” mode and need to step into my badass boss babe energy. I know I have a message and a purpose and the people who need my help need my sass and sarcastic vibe. It has led me to fully grasp how I am meant to show up for the women I serve.

This year has tested me in ways I couldn’t imagine as I learn to love myself and my body in all it’s uniqueness, without the caveat of “yeah, but if I can just change, xyz, then…”. No, right now, cellulite, jiggles and all. My body is marvelous in so many ways, and that I ever treated it so unkindly brings tears to my eyes. However, all those lessons needed to happen to get me to this place of understanding for me and for all the amazing women I talk to and work with wondering how to get out of this trap of never quite being good enough.

It’s why I am creating the resources I am. Do you have your copy of my 3 Ways to Love Your Body TODAY? There is a way to start to love yourself today. Put yourself first, grab your copy today.

Improvement is not a dirty word. A peek at my bookshelves, podcast library and Audible account will tell you that I am always seeking to get better. But my quest for improvement is about wonder, joy and love for myself. About how bettering myself will make me a better coach, sister, daughter, aunt, human. Not to make myself fit anybody’s definition of what improvement “should” be.

Are you ready to make improvements based on love? Are you ready to re-claim self-acceptance on your terms? Are you ready to play big, live large and find the life you were meant to live? Then I have the course for you!

Please join the Self Love Diet Livestream Lab! It is a 5-day FREE online class to get women who feel stuck in the “shoulds” of food/fitness on their way to loving themselves as they are and finding the confidence they deserve. Looking for more check out the Self Love Diet page or sign up here!

30 day challenges

If I told you that in 30 days you could have progress towards a healthier relationship with your mind and body, would you believe me? If I told you that a happier and more confident you would make creating and sticking to new healthier habits easier, would you be curious to know how? If I told you that with the support of a couple of amazing coaches and lessons that are all done online, would you be willing to take a chance on you?

When I first started imaging and planning my business I always knew that a big part of my coaching would be online. Not for the anonymity, but because it would allow me to meet people (women, in particular) where they are. I get that trying to schedule a trip to the gym to meet with a coach can feel unrealistic, I mean who has 2 hours just to do that?! So that is why I feel so called to the online coaching world.

But you didn’t click this link to hear about my story, you want to know all about those cryptic questions I started my post with. I know that social media is awash with all kinds of challenges and programs promising you big, crazy results in a short period of time. Some of them work…and some, not so much. It’s not that you don’t want to or that you don’t try, it’s just that maybe, just maybe you haven’t found the program that will actually help you focus on the things that allow you to make lasting changes.

That is why I am so excited about this 30 day challenge I am co-hosting with my amazing friend and coach Angella Jensen with Empowered Commitment (check her out on Facebook). Together we have designed a 30 day challenge full of coaching, meditation, yoga and wellness. This course is meant to help you start to change things from the your mind out.

You will get 30 days of coaching from both her and I with the intention of getting you clear on your goals and wins and providing a strategy to start implementing real change. We are starting the challenge on August 1st, so don’t wait to sign up.

If you are ready to start making real and lasting changes in your life join us. We are excited to help guide and support you in any way we can. Want to know more? Check out the program by clicking👇🏼!

Through to the other side.

When a s#%t day, week, attitude might be leading to better things.

The last couple of weeks have not been my favorite. Everything was pissing me off. It just felt like I had a bad attitude that I couldn’t shake. This dark cloud of frustration, anger and doubt was following me around. It was like I was chafing at the confines of my situation.

I am not a stranger to these moods. As an introvert, if I have too many days without some quiet/alone time to recharge I get cranky. I have been pushing myself to get out and network and build my business and all this peopling takes it’s toll (mentally and emotionally) on me. It also leads me to the dreaded comparisonitis.

I logically knew going in to starting my own coaching business that it would be hard, but I didn’t always anticipate how hard it might be. The perfectionist in me wants to keep ticking boxes of tasks and then gets frustrated when the results don’t show immediately. I suppose it’s fitting for me as a health and wellness coach to be expecting immediate results when I so often counsel my clients that nothing happens overnight.

Which brings me back to my mood. Now the old Lisa would have accepted defeat and hid under a blanket on the couch binge watching Queer Eye, but now I know better so I expect better from myself.

When these moods hit, it’s usually because something big is about to happen either in my life or business. It’s like my old habits and stories are fighting the changes to something new, bigger and better. I recognize them now as growing pains and not an excuse to give up and check out.

Do I know what’s coming next? I have an idea (and I am so excited about it!!). This was my wake up call to open my mind and my heart for what is coming next. I do have better strategies to keep myself sane and functioning. I check in with my body and ask myself what I need. This week it was yoga, specifically focused on a lot of throat and heart openers. It was a gentle 10 minutes, but I noticed an immediate difference. I do some tapping. If you are not familiar with this technique, check it out on YouTube. I dial in my meditation. Sometimes that 15 minutes of quiet is amazing.

How do you handle the ups and downs in life? What are your go-to activities or strategies when you get in a funk? Comment below and let’s support each other!