As most of you probably know, my mom recently passed away. It was not at all expected so dealing with this huge upheaval has been exhausting and draining. At some point I will probably do a longer post on my mom, but I am not quite ready yet.

I was inspired to write this, in part, by my last post of how to pick yourself up when life sucks, but I also felt like I needed to share how I have taken care of myself these last couple of weeks.

As I sat down to start making notes for this post one thing kept popping up, KISS (I know I will date myself with this, but it doesn’t refer to the band).

KISS is Keep It Simple Silly. Simplicity has been my sanity saver. It is hard when you’re away from home and your routine. It can be really easy to just let everything go and make it a big free for all. When it’s right there and so easy, what’s the harm in indulging?

Nothing. No harm. The world will not end if you don’t eat perfectly and workout everyday. Yay, post done!

While a food free for all, and exercise break are fun, my job is to help make your health and fitness goals work in real life and curveballs are a part of life. I wanted to share the 3 things I have been doing to be kind to myself lately.


Here’s the deal, water does so much for you. Helps your skin, your digestion, and so many other bodily functions. It’s a beverage that is actually going to do something beneficial for you, so make sure you grab a glass any chance you get. Start your day with a glass of water before your coffee. Carry a water bottle around with you as a reminder to keep hydrated.

I told you this was all about keeping things easy, and drinking water to me is second nature. I am still trying to stay on top of my health goals and knowing that I am on top of my water consumption has been the no-brainer win I needed.


Okay, this one might be a tad controversial, but hear me out. I spent a lot of time recently in a hospital and a schedule that had us leaving by 7 each morning and getting home just as late. I was not in the mood for a traditional workout. So as we took shifts in the hospital room, I would walk around the block. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Did some yoga moves as I lay in bed.

If you find that you are beating yourself up for not exercising, here is your permission slip to take a break. I have not been to the gym in about a week, and I didn’t miss it. I needed the permission to step back and focus on my family. I have been taking walks and chasing my dog at the dog park and that has felt joyful to me. So when things get rough, be gentle with yourself and if moving your body feels good then do it! But just know it’s okay to take a break.


The sheer number of cookies, cakes and pumpkin bread that has been around all week would make an all carb diet seem like the norm. And it is ok to indulge. It is okay to sometimes eat your feelings because we have to use the tools we have on hand to get us through. I am an emotional eater. Always have been, always will be. It’s how I have always dealt with stress, but I am also doing the work of dealing with the feelings and not just burying them with food.

In my quest to keep things easy, I tried each day to add one more veggie to my meal. Whether that was adding a salad (instead of grabbing more chips if I was still hungry), adding an extra veggie to my tomato soup, or making a breakfast hash to have with pancakes, extra veggies keep me feeling normal.

TMI bonus, extra veggies will help keep you regular and if you are out of your routine I am guessing this is probably something you might deal with.

I have not been perfect at this either, but focusing on 3 simple things to take care of myself each day, has kept my attitude healthy. When my attitude is on board I am way less likely to lose my cool (total bonus for everyone around me 😂).

Here is my suggestion to you. Take 5 minutes and write down what your goals are for your health. Set a timer and just do a brain dump. Keep the list somewhere handy and when life throws you that inevitable curveball, you will already have a head start on creating a new routine to take care of you. Remember, you deserve it and you are worth it.

Lisa (1)
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