Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019!

This has been a big, crazy year for me. Much of the work I have done has been internal and personal, not something that is easy to see or describe (how do you Instagram a building confidence!). There was a lot of mindset work that I have done and am doing, but some days…

Some days, I am ready to be that fearless entrepreneur and ready to tackle the world, but then the doubt creeps in. I start to question why I am doing this, who am I to do this, how can I actually be somebodies coach. Huge case of Impostor Syndrome. It can send me into this spiral that finds me on the couch, under my favorite blanket binge watching Dr. Who or Brooklyn Nine-Nine and eating all the carbs. #noshame

I know the valley feels scary and sometimes I need to wallow and rest and take some time for me. I know this self doubt is temporary and that by showing myself some grace and patience I will find my way out of it. How do I find my way out? I have dinner with my sister, coffee with my amazing friends, and get real. The only way for me to get through is to get vulnerable and to get that reality check when it feels like I haven’t done anything! My support system is amazing at giving me the perspective I need to keep moving forward.

Growth can be tough and scary and I know that in order to show up and do what I am meant to do it, means letting go of old habits and patterns. Perfect reminder as we get ready to close out 2018.

Still working on all the big stuff coming for 2019 (this is going to be my year!). I still feel a little trepidation, but I know that going back is no longer an option. So I am ready to take 2019 by storm, how are you going to conquer 2019?

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