I was asked recently how it felt to dream boldly. Well apparently I feel a lot. 

Now by a lot, I don’t mean a whole bunch of emotions. In this instance it’s probably best to clarify that there is depth to my feelings. I don’t typically let myself dive too deep because well that’s uncomfortable, but this is my summer of healing, so I don’t get to ignore the feelings this time.

Talking about dreams is a sure fire way for me to head straight into Impostor Syndrome. There is a whole lot of “Who am I to dream this.” “Well it’s not what xx thinks I should focus on…” I ‘should’ be dreaming/thinking/working xx.” My ego loves when this happens because it is the best way to get me to back off and retreat back to the safety of what I already know.

Dreaming big has always felt out of my league, something reserved for true entrepreneurs, scary. I don’t have any real proof that I can accomplish these dreams so maybe I should aim lower and be more realistic.

Then I had my coach point something out. She noticed that my dreams and imagination weren’t really about MY personal joy and freedom. My dreams were still firmly wrapped in the judgment and expectations of others. 

Well of course they are! I have spent my life trying to fit into just the right box so that I am liked, loved and wanted. I needed the validation of others because I don’t trust myself fully, so how can I validate me. I have not made my dreams personal enough. I have not made it all about me in a way that is beyond the surface and gets to what my heart really wants. If everything is still filtered through what so and so is going to say/think/do, then the dreams will never be my own. And if they aren’t mine, then I will never fight and work for them to become a reality.

What does it feel like when you dream big, dream bold, dream without restrictions? Do you feel any resistance in your body? What stories are you telling about why you are or aren’t allowed to have those dreams?

There is so much more to say on this and luckily soon I will have the platform to discuss this and even more great topics. It will be like having drinks with your life coach!😉

My podcast BYOB (Be Your Own Bliss) is launching July 28th!  Join me as I talk about my process to finding more joy and freedom in my life. Each episode will have real action steps so that you too can find your bliss. More details are coming, so stay tuned!!

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