What does the New Year look like for you?

Resolutions, goals, intentions…

It can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming the start of the new year. There is fresh promise and excitement to leave behind any frustrations, disappointments and past success for the promise of something bigger, better and more exciting.

This year seems to carry even higher expectations as we end a decade. 2020 holds mystery, allure, and hope.

Maybe you see this as a chance to finally bid farewell to a shitty year. I am definitely feeling a bit of that as I look toward 2020. 

2019 challenged me in ways I could never have predicted. It has been a year of loss for me. Loss of loved ones, loss of myself, loss of direction.

I have spent plenty of time recently thinking about how I want to enter 2020. Am I setting goals, intentions, revisiting my core values. And honestly I am not quite sure. I’m not even sure I need to have an answer for that. 

I am starting to feel like 2020 is the year I hold myself close and do the work on me that I have been avoiding. The year I focus on healing myself for myself. This is the year I shower myself with the love and grace I so freely to give those close to me.

As I was writing this I felt pulled to add this little mini-meditation to help you take time to allow what you want and what you need to start to take shape. For me, when I feel lost it’s time to focus on gratitude. Grab a piece of paper/notebook and a quiet spot.

Sometimes I need to get out of my head and get things on paper. Writing this blog has definitely gotten the creative juices going. Next week I am going to share more of what my plan for 2020 entails and I can’t wait to hear what you have in store for a new year!

Until then, I am here for you,


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