Why can’t I just do it?

Ohh, how I would love to lie and say that I am as serene and at peace as this picture, but we have pledged to be honest here so I won’t do that. More often than not my outside looks serene and my insides are screaming “What the everloving eff have we gotten ourselves into?

I struggle with motivation. There I said it! Whew, that felt good. 😊

As a budding entrepreneur it can be tough to figure out just what exactly you are meant to be doing. I mean, I know I am meant to help people, but shouldn’t I be much further along than I am? What am I doing wrong? Why am I making this so complicated?

So I do what I always do when I feel blocked, I search Pinterest. While yes, at times social media can turn into a great way to zone out and waste a couple hours, it can also be a really useful tool when you need some inspiration. I looked up inspirational quotes and this really stuck with me:

“I am exactly where I’m supposed to be to learn what I need to learn, in order to become the person I must be to create the life I want.”

Faster, bigger, better does not always serve us if we don’t get the important lessons that will help us down the road. I am here to be your reminder that you are doing amazing. You are doing the best you can and some days that is good enough. Savor the lesson, the journey, the experience as they will be far more rewarding then quick success.

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