One day when…

My recent metamorphosis into a much more social, outgoing (for me) and confident person has been a big change. It’s been a shift from hiding in the back hoping not to be noticed to actually seeking out attention (hello more social media posts 👋🏻).

I saw this quote the other day from poet Rupi Kaur and I’ll be honest it made me a bit uncomfortable.

“what’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? that since day one. she’s already had everything she needs within herself. it’s the world that convinced her she did not.”

I played the game that one day when….

  • one day when I lose that last 15 pounds
  • one day when I finally get that perfect job, home, mate, family
  • one day when I finally have the right qualifications
  • one day when I {fill in excuse here}

When I finally did everything perfect and had everything in alignment then I would deserve my dream life. I spent a lot of years letting the outside world tell me what I could or couldn’t do, what I was worth, and how I could show up.

Then one day the strong ladies in my life showed me how I could show up differently. How my perceived weakness could be my true strength. How my story and vulnerability did not make me less, but actually made me real. How my passion and vision has a place in this world. That people need me to show up quiet, introverted, put together, messy, but ultimately real.

The path is not always easy and that first step will take some faith. I don’t have it all together and I still have moments when I panic about how I am going to make this all work. So, in those moments I focus on what I am grateful for, I find something that takes care of me (most likely re-runs of The Office), and I keep showing up. I am here for you in all your raw, messy glory. I am building this community as a place of support and encouragement. Your one day when…starts today.

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