Navigating a New Year

The last couple of years I have seen plenty of people I follow on social media choose a word to guide them in the next year. It has always been something that intrigued me, and I have half-heartedly participated in the past. Well this year I decided to really find my word and see if having that focus helps.

So I chose strength as my word for 2019, my guidepost for when things get choppy, my goal in moving forward.

When I say strength, I am not talking just about physical strength (although that is part of it), for me it is about emotional and mental strength.

This will be year 2 of my journey to build the life and job of my dreams. Last year was filled with some amazing progress and success, but it was also filled with plenty of moments of self-doubt and confusion and the pull to give up was strong. But 2019, 2019 will be different.

I was meditating trying to listen for my word. I was trying really hard to get quiet and listen to what would serve me well in the next phase of my journey, when I started to hear the word strength and then I began to picture trees. I wasn’t sure in the beginning why the two went together (at least for my purposes) so I let the thought go. So often when I try to force finding a meaning I come up with stock answers and settle something that wasn’t meant to be. I knew what I needed to hear would come I would just needed to be patient (I may have 2 words for 2019 😂).

It can be easy for me to constantly change course. To see something easier or be swayed by someone’s random comment and all of sudden I am off and looking for something new. There is comfort to be in the research phase. I love the planning, executing…not so much.

So this year I will be a tree. Firm in my roots of knowing what I am here to do, serve women. Flexible enough to add or trim branches so long as they support my roots and my core philosophy. This year I will stand strong when the wind gets overwhelming and I feel like I may be blown off course. I will also be patient. Mighty oaks don’t grow in a day or even a year. Amazing things take time and I am starting to really believe that is true for me as well.

I challenge you to find some space, find a small amount of time to get quiet and ask what your word for 2019 will be. Feel free to share that with me and know you have someone rooting for you (no pun intended) and whatever 2019 brings me I love knowing I have this wonderful community to keep me strong.

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