It’s about to get real “woo-woo” in here.

Intuition is real. Vibes are real.
Energy doesn't lie. Tune in.

I have been a little hesitant to write this post. Mostly because I just don’t know where to start. I can’t remember exactly when or how I became fascinated by things of a spiritual and mystical nature, I just found myself meeting people with new and different ideas and started exploring more.

In college, I studied abroad and my host mom gave me an angel necklace. It’s job was to watch over me and keep me safe. It became a touchstone for me. Every time I needed that boost of confidence, that feeling of safety, the reminder I wasn’t alone I would touch the angel and remember someone was watching over me.

Then I had a long spell of just trying to figure this whole adulting thing, so I wasn’t as focused on my spiritual side. Once I was ready my next spiritual lessons came from my leaders at my yoga teacher training. Most yoga teacher trainings include some discussion about the history and philosophy of yoga. The Yamas and Niyama, the Sutras, the Chakras are all fascinating to me. It was also at these trainings that I started to meet people with varied spiritual practices and my interest was renewed.

I started studying about the Law of Attraction, manifestation, meditation, visualization, anything I could get my hands on in this new (to me) metaphysical realm. I started to look at crystals, using malas, and EFT tapping to help me heal and process. 

I’ll be honest, I don’t fully understand how these things work, I just know that for me, they did. I knew my thoughts and my energy needed to change. If I was going to be my best me, find the success I want, I, at my cellular level, needed to change. 

There are 3 things that I have incorporated into my life that have brought me the most change and comfort. This is just my experience and there are certainly many options out there, so keep searching until you find what’s right for you. I picked these 3 because, they are accessible, not too “out-there”, and I think you can get the most bang for your buck from these practices.

  1. Meditation: Incorporating a daily meditation practice has brought a sense of peace, focus and clarity in my life. I honestly didn’t know that I could sit still for as long as I do or get my brain to relax from it’s constant chatter. When I feel stuck on what to do next, I turn to meditation. When I let my mind relax (stop forcing the inspiration), that’s when the answer finds me. For the meditation novice, start small, like 5 minutes. Just taking 5 minutes to close your eyes, focus on some deep breaths and let go of the tension in your body is the perfect first step. Like to walk in nature? Guess what, you’re meditating. Forget the idea that mediation is only sitting in an uncomfortable position, chanting, and finding your zen. Meditation can be whatever allows you to find time to slow down, re-focus, and breathe.
  2. Sound Therapy: This can take many different forms. Maybe playing an instrument brings you a sense of calm and peace. Singing in a choir, a band, or by yourself in the car releases those feel good hormones and helps you find your center. I love Tibetan and Crystal singing bowl meditations. If you have never experienced feeling your body awash in the vibrations of the bowls, I encourage you to seek it out. It is truly a transformational experience. It’s like it shakes loose all the energy in your body and you feel relaxed, renewed, and recharged.
  3. Positive Affirmations: Sometimes we need a reminder that we are unique and amazing, especially when it may not feel like it. I have a deck of affirmations and when I feel down, need something to focus on when I meditate or just need inspiration, I pull a card from the deck and make it my phone screen. I need to see it, like constantly see it and have it be a reminder that while things may feel dark now, it will get better. There are plenty of affirmation cards, calendars, etc around so find one that speaks to you and use the cards to help you find some light if things feel dark. Or maybe you just need something to keep those positive vibes flowing, find an affirmation card and be the reason someone smiles today.

I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to woo-woo side of life. I myself am still just slowly starting to explore more. I just had an amazing trip to a crystal shop and will be exploring the power of crystals more. I have been doing energy meditations and clearing, so this is not the last I have to say on this topic.😊

Really this is all about you finding what brings joy to you. It is so important to sneak in those little moments that fill you up so that you can be the best not for your family, friends and work, but be the best you for you. Remember, you deserve to take care of yourself.

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