How do you practice gratitude?

I recently joined a mastermind group for business owners, and what I love about the organizer is how she starts every call. Each week we have to come to the call with something we are proud of and something we are grateful for.

I remember hearing that for the first time and thinking, if this is the homework this might be easier than I thought….I was kind of wrong.

It’s easy to list things you are proud of or grateful for, when you are zipping along and everything is going great. You want one item, how about 20! The real test and challenge came when I had a week that wasn’t great.

It was one of those week’s where it felt like nothing was going my way. I was tired (and to be honest a bit cranky), the weather sucked (❤️ you SD), and I just felt like nothing and no one was getting the best version of me. The assignment would cross my mind and I would be positive there was nothing I could find to be proud of or grateful for.

I wish I could say I had a Hallmark movie moment and suddenly understood the true meaning of the work and saved the family business blah, blah, blah, but that wasn’t the case. What I did was reach out to my people. I texted my sister, I had a virtual coffee date with one of my good friends, I indulged in my favorite podcast and then I begrudgingly sat down and did the homework.

I found that by putting on my optimist hat for just a moment, there was plenty that had gone right. I used the tools my coach gave me and in the end found so much to be proud of and grateful for. So now whenever I feel myself slipping into that spiral of why me? I sit down, take a deep breath and I look for the good.

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