
Get out of your head and into your body.

You are about to take that first step. Moving slowly down a new path, you are that combination of nervous/excited. You have an idea of what is down the path, but you can’t know for sure until to start walking. It’s the moment of truth, do you take that first step or turn back toward the well worn path you know?

I will gladly admit that I spent a lot of years quickly turning away from a new path. I was convinced that the nerves, the uncertainty I felt in my body meant that veering off my path would be bad. That something was wrong. I had truly lost the ability to listen to myself.

I had done a pretty good job of avoiding any major changes or shifts in my life. Mostly content to live a normal if uneventful life. Big dreams and ideas, were just that dreams and ideas. Meant to make the time in my little cube pass a little faster, but certainly not for me. 

I did eventually get restless in my uneventful life. I started to do things that were out of character for me. I started running (which I still have a bit of a love/hate relationship with, but we’re working on it). I started teaching fitness classes, then I started working towards my 200 hr certification in yoga, then I came up with a business name, well you get the idea.

Before I knew it I had a website, a blog, an online studio space and I was actually posting stuff on my social media accounts! I was coaching clients and teaching classes and suddenly the dreams I had back in my little cubicle didn’t seem so far fetched.

What I missed in this whole saga, was the process, the journey. Oh, I was right smack in the middle of the process but I couldn’t see it. All I saw was how far I still had to go, how I wasn’t quite where I thought I should be and how I wasn’t the glorious “after” photo yet.

When I get stuck in the comparison trap, there is an almost 100% chance I am completely in my head and have tuned out my body. Being completely in my thoughts feels safe and comfortable. I can replay all possible permutations of any given situation as many times as I like and feel oddly comforted by all the ways it could possibly go wrong.

What that does to me personally, is that a lot of energy, feelings and emotions get stuck, with no where to go. When I talk about getting into your body, I mean actually acknowledging it for all it does. To take care of and move your body in the ways it needs to support you.

I get some of my biggest breakthroughs when I move my body. I am sure there is some science to this, but when I can focus on my body it gives my brain a break. I stop forcing the ideas and know that when it’s time, the idea will come (hopefully 😊).

Our bodies store emotions, so as you go through big life changes and possibly upheavals, it’s important to honor and care for your body. I usually get pretty clear signals from myself when there is something that I need to pay attention to. I don’t have to like or love my body everyday, but I absolutely deserve to take care of it gently, lovingly.

When I feel disconnected to my body, I like to do this body scan meditation. It’s about 10 minutes, but it truly allows you a moment of self care and a chance to connect to the messages your body may be sending.

Body Scan Meditation ⇒ HERE

This week’s podcast is all about transitions, big emotions and our bodies, check it out ⇒ HERE

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