Are you practicing patience?

Patience is hard. It can suck to be ready for big dreams, to want something so much and to feel like it is so far away. One moment you feel like you are on the cusp of having it all, and then heading straight into self doubt.

I know I often feel like once I have made the decision I am ready for the goal, the dream, the results to be here now. Not realizing that the habits, the thought patterns, the beliefs I have were not created in a day but over a lifetime, so the change won’t be instantaneous. So it can get discouraging when the change doesn’t happen soon enough.

It can be easy to think that the goal we are working toward just isn’t for us. That maybe we are dreaming too big and too bold. Maybe you have talked yourself out of your goal/dream because you weren’t seeing anything happen. You meditate, you journal, you take action, but nothing is happening…or is it?

I struggle with this everyday. My dream to be a women’s health guide is not new, but it has been evolving and it feels like it will never happen some days. Discovery calls that don’t book, launches that aren’t what I hoped for and doubt as to whether or not I am a good coach creep up more often than I’d like.

What I am quick to forget is to have patience. That it takes time for the changes in our inner reality to show up in our outer reality. But just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean that things aren’t happening. It may not happen immediately, but it doesn’t mean that what’s meant for us is not coming. 

Patience and relinquishing control. I am responsible for the what and the why, the how, well that is not mine to handle. When we can let go of things coming to us in just exactly the right way, well you might be surprised what shows up.

As Chrissy so elegantly put it on this week’s podcast, “It (meditation, visualization, etc) works, even when you don’t think it’s working or feel like it’s working, it is.” Make sure you check out this week’s podcast!

How can you practice more patience in pursuit of your goals?

  1. Consistency. Remember that change doesn’t usually happen in a day, so work to have a consistent practice. Especially on the days where your dream just seems so very far away. It might not always feel possible, but sit with it and soon you will effortlessly embody the version of you that has your dream.
  2. Honesty. Are you impatient with your progress because you really want this dream or are you just trying to check off another box? Maybe your impatience is springing up because what you want will make someone else happy and not you. As if you could just check off this dream so that you can get on to something that really excites you. It’s okay to pivot on your dream, if you know it truly isn’t for you.
  3. Relax and Trust. What’s meant for you can’t miss you. This or something better. All phrases I use to keep the control gremlin at bay. Trust in the timing, trust that maybe there is more you need to do and learn in order to fully accept your dream. Or maybe the Universe knew you were playing small and is bringing something better to you. 

Sometimes going it alone isn’t the answer. Maybe your frustration and impatience is a sign to invest in yourself and hire a coach. Sometimes having a neutral third party can help you see your blind spots, hold you to your vision and guide you through your transformation.

If you feel stuck creating health goals that you want. If you are tired of hating exercise, done with all the “shoulds” of putting your health first then we should talk. Let’s make taking care of you fun!

Click below and let’s chat…

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