
Are you making connections?

Connection [ kuhnek-shuhn ]


the act or state of connecting.

anything that connects; a connecting part; link; bond:

association; relationship:
a circle of friends or associates or a member of such a circle

It feels so obvious to talk about how our connections and ways we connect have changed. Our world is changing minute to minute. They way we once were linked to each other has drastically shifted.

The one thing that has not changed is the fact that we need connection. We need the links and bonds to our community, our family, ourselves.

Maybe this great time of change has led you to connecting more frequently with relatives. Maybe it has forced you to get creative with celebrations, sadness and getting through the day to day.

I hope it has allowed you to connected deeply with your community. I know I have become more aware of how I interact in my community. I may not have been able to be out with the protestors for the Black Lives Matter movement, but it showed me the myriad of ways we can all contribute to causes and change that we believe in.

I have taken great advantage of this time to connect more fully with myself. Quarantine was the dedicated time I needed to work to heal my relationship with food, movement, my body, my business. It was the focused time I needed to cocoon and do my work so that I could start to become the butterfly I want to be.

In this week’s podcast we start the baby steps to bringing awareness and intention to creating meaningful connection in our lives.

How are you continuing to connect to those people in your lives you find important? How are you connecting to the most important person in your world, you?

This week’s podcast also has a twofer BYOB moment. A challenge to help you strengthen the connection to those you love and a special meditation practice you can do anywhere, while doing anything!

Please share the podcast with anyone you want to connect with! Let me know how you connected with someone special this week.

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Cover Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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