Is this community for me?
You’re a woman tired of the diet roller coaster, drowning in a list of “shoulds” when it comes to creating healthy habits, and you’re ready to:
  • Look in the mirror and love the woman you see.
  • Find ways to have more joy in your life.
  • Show up as the rockstar you are!
 What started as a livestream lab, is now a community of women striving and supporting one another! Are you looking for support for…
  • How to speak to ourselves with kindness and compassion.
  • Learn to enjoy food as an experience.
  • Bring some childlike joy back to moving our bodies.
  • Start on that path to a life full of joy, peace and HAPPINESS!

I can’t wait for you to join me!!

I am committed to create a space in this online world that is safe from diet talk, comparison and robbing you of the joy of living your life on your terms.